INFOCOMM London Roundtable – May 19


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Infocomm’s two London events in May are going to be a ‘must attend’ for anyone working in the AV channel. Whether operating as an integrator, consultant, distributor, manufacturer, live event professional or end user, you will find something of value, and we hope you join us for one or both of our events.


Thursday 19 May 2016 13.30 –  18.00 at Millbank Tower, London — 6th floor


To be held at the NEC Showcase, one of the U.K.’s leading AV trade events, the roundtable will provide a great opportunity to explore, discuss and understand the latest in cutting edge client experience, potential revenue and growth areas, future trends — all while mixing with like-minded audiovisual professionals.

Register for the Roundtable


Can’t attend the roundtable? Please join us for the networking part of the day, which begins at 16:30. Free to members and non-members alike, the event will provide a great opportunity to network with industry colleagues in a relaxed environment and have a drink on us.

Register for the Networking Event